Month: May 2021

They said: "your Hijab will close many doors on you.” She said: "Yes , one of them is the door of Hellfire ..." ایشان گفت که حجاب خیلی از دروازه‌های روی تان را مسدود میسازد اوو گفت بلی که خیلی مهم است دروازه جهنم ر...

Hadith about 'Camel Urine' - أبوال الابل The Hadith about drinking "camel urine", most likely contains a mistake of some narrators. The word “urine” is not the words of the Prophet. It comes via many routes which don't mention "urine" at all - just ...

Not every scholar is a debater ... Ibn Abdul-Barr said : كل مجادل عالم وليس كل عالم مجادلا So every debater can be knowledgeable, but not every knowledgeable person can be a debater. Debating is a skill in itself ... It is possib...

Imaam Shafi'ii said in a poem: قل بما شئت في مسبة عرضي *** فسكوتي عن اللئيم جواب ما أنا عادم الجواب ولكن *** ما من الأسد أن تجيب الكلاب "Say what you wish in abuse of me, For my silence towards the fool is indeed an answer....

When your wife complains about her lack of gold & flowers, say: “What’s the point in bringing gold to a goldmine? A flower to a garden? A bucket of water to an ocean?” 🥴 Die another day ..........

This entire book section is dedicated to the explanation & lessons in 'صحيح البخاري' 'Sahih Bukhari' alone ... If you find a Hadith you don't understand, don't just dismiss it ... especially if you don’t know Arabic ... ask the people who know.....

A man saw a dream, in which Safwan bin Salim entered Paradise, because of a coat. He came to him, asking about the story of the coat. Safwan said: خرجت من المسجد في ليلة باردة فإذا رجل عريان فنزعت قميصي فكسوته "On a cold night, I came out of the mos...

In the year 1187, after the battle of Hattin, the crusaders were paying to free their prisoners. The men of Salahudin sold them for cheap - so that later generations would know their true worth. Ibn Kathir wrote: وباع بعضهم أسيرا بنعل ليلبسها فى رج...

The famous Pashtun poet Abdur-Rahman-Baba says in a poem: ژوندی ځان په زمکه ښخ که لکه تخم. که لوئی غواړی دخاورو په مقام شه Meaning: Be humble & down to earth, lower yourself to the ground like a seed , and you will rise ... ...

What constitutes mockery of religion استهزاء بالدين ? Mockery (istihzaa) means: Ridiculing & Belittling الاستهزاء: السخرية والاستخفاف When mockery is AIMED AT RELIGION (استهزاء بالدين), it is kufr & irtidaad. It's like the mockery of moshr...