Day: May 4, 2021

Permissible Lies - حكم الكذب وما يباح منه Lying is a bad trait but it is not forbidden in itself, it is forbidden if it has no benefit and/or causes harm. The jurists spoke about beneficial lies and even obligatory lies! Speaking the truth can som...

It is said about the Khawaarij: فم يُسبح، و يد تذبح “A mouth that PRAYS, and a hand that SLAYS.” They are deluded in religion, seeking nearness to God by shedding the blood of innocent people. Can the Qur'an become a means of misguidance? Yes - t...

Always treat the source of the problem ...الطبيب والكحل A man came to a doctor and complained about stomach ache. The doctor asked: "What did you eat?" He said: "Burnt bread." The doctor sta...

A Bedouin was asked: "What do you think of that person?" He replied: "If he was among the Children of Israel, when they were commanded to sacrifice a cow, they would have sacrificed him instead of the cow." سُئِلَ ...