Day: July 29, 2021

Ibn Taymiyah on Ash'aris - موقف ابن تيمية من الأشاعرة He was Athari and fiercely opposed the Ash'aris, but he considered them Muslims and also ahlus-Sunnah in the broader sense of the definition, not in the strict sense. He tried to bring reconcili...

Khatib al-Baghdadi narrates that a Roman official wrote a threatening letter to Caliph Mu'tasim, and demanded to hear his immediate response. The Caliph wrote back: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم، أما بعد: فقد قرأتُ كتابك وسمعتُ خطابك، والجواب ما ترى لا ما ...