Day: August 6, 2021

A man with a massive nose asked the hand of a woman in marriage. He said: "I am a good man and I can endure difficulties..." She said: "By carrying this nose around for 40 years, I have no doubt that you can endure difficulties....." وخطب رجل عظيم ا...

"I used to think it were just days, but it was actually my life, passing by..." "كنت أظنها أياماً وتمضي، فإذا بها كانت حياتي."...

Any sane individual, who willingly says to people: "I am Allah", or: "worship me", will be considered a kaafir, moshrik & taghoot. The length of their beard and the size of their turban cannot save them - at all. Ibn Hajar al-'Asqalani said: و...

The Prophet said: مَثَلُ الْقَلْبِ مَثَلُ الرِّيشَةِ تُقَلِّبُهَا الرِّيَاحُ بِفَلاَةٍ "The likeness of the heart is that of a feather blown about by the wind in the desert." ["Ibn Majah", 88]. Meani...

Ibn al-Jawzi wrote about people who acted on the apparent wordings of religious scriptures, instead of its meanings: فأخذوه هم على الظاهر، فكانوا في ضرب المثل كجحا، فإن أمه قالت له: احفظ الباب، فقلعه ومشى به، فأخذ ما في الدار، فلامته أمه. فقال: إنما...