Day: October 20, 2021

In 1894, when Adolf Hitler was a small child, he almost drowned in a river - but he was saved by someone! Imagine the impact of this incident on human history......... قدر الله وما شاء فعل!! Read about the incident: edit: R...

It was said: لا شئ اسوء من خيانة القلم فالرصاص الغادر قد يقتل أفرادآ بينما القلم الخائن قد يقتل أممآ "There is nothing worse than treason by means of the pen. Treacherous bullets may kill individuals, while...

A man claimed he could summon the spirits of the dead. He opened a shop close to the house of Sh Albani and people used to go to him, to talk to their "dead relatives". Sh Albani, who specialised in 'ilm al-Hadith, went to him and said: أحضر لي رو...

Imam Ibn Sirin said: ذهب العلم فلم يبق إلا غبرات في أوعية سوء "The essence of knowledge is lost, all that remains is its dust, in some bad vessels..." ["Jami Bayan al-'Ilm", 1/595]....