Day: October 29, 2021

Protecting the Reputation of your Country - قصة الحمار الشامي In 1898, the German Kaiser Wilhelm II and his wife, Empress Augusta Victoria, visited Damascus. While traveling there, the Empress was impressed with a white donkey that caught her eye a...

Associate with intelligent people. Ignorant people will harm you more than they will benefit you, even if they're your friends. Omar Khayyam says in a poem: اشرب نقيع السم من عاقل واسكب على الأرض دواء الجهول "Drink the Infusion of a Sane p...

Ibn Taymiyah said: من كان في قلبه مرض يأخذ من كل كلام ما يناسب مرضه "People who have a sickness in their hearts will take from every speech whatever suits their sickness." ["Jaami' al-Masail", 7/191]. We may say something positive...