Day: November 9, 2021

Afghan warriors say: له ښځې سره جگړه هغه یوازېنۍ جگړه ده چې سړی یې په شاتگ گټي "The only fight you win by retreating is a fight with a woman." You read it right ... even the fierce Afghan warriors couldn't win this fight ... so nob...

A man was praising human achievements, saying: "wow, humans can now fly!!" A wise man, who wasn't impressed, said: فالذباب والبعوض يطيران "Flies and mosquitoes can also fly..." A h...

A man asked a miller: "Why have you tied a bell around the neck of this donkey?" The miller replied: "When I hear the bell, I know the donkey is moving. When I don't hear it, I know the donkey is standing still, so I get it moving again." The man s...

G. K. Chesterton said to G. B. Shaw: من يراك يا شو يظنّ أنّ بريطانيا في أزمة غذاء!! "When people see you, they assume there is a famine in England!" G. B. Shaw replied: ومن يراك يعرف سبب الأزمة!! "And when they see you, they assume you caused it!"...