Day: December 8, 2021

Al-Zamakhshari - الزمخشري -, the linguist, was asked: "Why can men have more than one wife, but women cannot have more than one husband?" He responded, using an Arabic grammar rule: يجوز تعدد المفعول به في اللغة العربية ، ولا يجوز تعدد الفاعل ...

The difference between 'eyesight' & 'insight' - الفرق بين البصر والبصيرة The scholars say: Elders have weak eyesight (البصر), but strong insight (البصيرة). Youth have weak insight (البصيرة), ...

Imam Ibn al-Jawzi said: ‎يا هذا ماء العين في الأرض حياة الزرع ‎وماء العين على الخد حياة القلب “O you! The water that flows on land brings crops to life, but the water (tears) that flows on cheeks brings hearts to life.” [“Al-Tabsir...

A religious man said to a prostitute: “You are drunk, caught every moment in a different snare!” She replied: “O Shaykh, I am as you say, but are you as you seem?” ‎قال شيخ لبغى : أنت ذى سكرى فسحقا ‎كل ان لك غاو فى ...