Day: January 19, 2022

An eagle is hit & killed by an arrow which is powered by the feathers of a fellow eagle … We often give our enemies the means for our own destruction. كان نسر يحلق حين سمع حفيف سهم ثم أحس به يخترق قلبه، وفيما هو يهوي منازعا الموت، رأى ريشة السهم...

There is this proverb in the Middle East: ضرب الحبيب مثل أكل الزبيب "Getting a beating from a HABEEB (loved-one), is like eating ZABEEB (sweet raisins)."...

Ibn Hajar al-‘Asqalani said: ‎والجلوس في الأسواق لرؤية من يمرُّ ‎‏من النِّساء من خوارم المروءة “[males] sitting at the [entrances of] marketplaces to catch a glimpse of the female [shoppers] is shameless behaviour.” [“Fath al-Bari”...