Day: January 26, 2022

A fair judge & the sneeze of the Caliph ... تاريخ بغداد A group of people wanted to get rid of a fair judge, so they complained to Caliph Harun al-Rashid and falsely accused him of being too lenient in his rulings - being soft on crime. The Cal...

A tyrant king ordered the execution of a woman’s male relatives: brother, husband, and son. She pleaded for mercy, so the king allowed one of them to be spared, and gave her the choice to choose one of them. She thought deeply and then said: ‎الزوج...

Darwin was not an Atheist… He affirmed the existence of a Creator. Later in life, he rejected religions, but he still remained agnostic. He did not reject the existence of a Creator until he died. The type of Creator he seemed to believe in was one...