Day: February 12, 2022

"What we do in Life, echoes in Eternity." ما نفعله في الحياه يتردد صداه في الابديه - Marcus Aurelius...

Leave A Good Legacy .... الإمام الشاطبي Imaam Al-Shaatibi said: وطوبى لمن مات وماتت معه ذنوبه. والويل الطويل لمن يموت وتبقى ذنوبه مائة سنة ومائتي سنة، يعذب بها في قبره ويسأل عنها إلى انقراضها "Blessed are those who die and their sins die wi...

A man’s friend had a problematic wife, so he supplicated for him: ‘May Allah grant you another wife!’ His own wife started beating him... he asked why?? She said: Did you think that I was unaware of the Hadith in which the Prophet said: مَا مِنْ ع...

There is a proverb, which is sometimes used to describe the extremist Takfiri Khawarij: كلام كالعسل وفعل كالأسل "Speech like 'ASAL (honey), Acts like ASAL (spear)." Their eloquence...