Day: February 24, 2022

Ibn Taymiyah said: ليس لأحد أن يحمل كلام أحد من الناس إلا على ما عُرف أنه أراده 'It is inappropriate to interpret the words of a person to mean something other than what that person intended.' ['Majmu al-Fatawa', 7/36]....

Is generosity nature or nurture? Or both? Haatim al-Ta'ii [حاتم الطائي] was a generous man who lived in the pre-Islamic times of Jahiliyah. After he died, his brother tried to be generous like him. His mother said to him: 'Son, you will never be l...

This is good financial advice: ادخر لوقت للشدة (احفظ قرشك الأبیض لیومك الأسود) 'Keep something for a rainy day...' If you lose your job today - you should have enough emergency savings that will keep you going for the next 3-6 mont...