Day: March 22, 2022

According to many scholars, it is inappropriate to use names like 'عاشق رسول' ['aashiqe-rasool] or 'عاشق الله' ['aashiq-allah], because the word 'ishq' [عشق] has sexual connotations in the Arabic language. 1- Imam Ibn al-Jawzi said: فإن العشق عند أه...

The Prophet ﷺ said: إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ سِتِّيرٌ “God is a Concealer.” [‘Nasai‘, 407 - صحيح]. ‘Concealment’ [الستر] of Sins - is one of the most beautiful qualities of God. If God were to lift t...

The sky is tragically beautiful… it’s a graveyard of stars. المأساويه في جمال السماء أنها مقبرة من النجوم The stars we see today have died millions of years ago - it’s their light that is still reaching us. And the most amazing thing is: when we l...

Once a king shot an arrow at a deer, but he missed and the deer ran away. The king’s flatterers said: ‘Sire, this is the first time that we see a dead deer running!’ ‎ذهب السلطان للصيد فأخطأ صيده فقال بعض حاشيته:هذه أول مره يا مولاي نرى غزالاً يركض ...