Category: Humour

When proposing for marriage, don’t overdo it guys… sometimes, less is more. Once upon a time a man proposed to a girl. She asked him to describe himself… He described himself very ferociously!!! She said: ‎ﺃﻧﺖَ ﺃﺳﺪٌ ﻓﺎﻃﻠﺐ ﻟﻨﻔﺴﻚ لبوةً ‎ أما أنا فظَبيَ...

It is reported that Al-Jahiz wrote a massive encyclopedia, explaining which animals lay eggs and which give birth....... He was bragging about the size of his compilation in front of a Bedouin.... The Bedouin said to him: كل أذون ولود،وكل صموخ بيوض...

It’s important to use proper pronunciations when we utter words… One a Bedouin sneezed very loudly…. A non-Arab was standing nearby and it scared the hell out of him. His Arabic was poor so he said: ‘Jubhan-Allah!’ [he meant to glorify God saying: S...

They say: كُلُّ خَاطِبٍ كَاذِبٌ A man who proposes for marriage often lies… It’s said: a man sent his dad to propose on his behalf with a girls father. The man said: ‘my son is so powerful, if he just waves his hand, 50 cars stop for him!’ They tho...

When it came to jurisprudence, the 'فقهاء' [classical jurists] did not leave a single stone un-turned ... one example is their discussion regarding a wife who eats excessively ... can this be ground for divorce? 1- In 'mawahib al-Jalil', [5/543]: ...

An tyrant king was giving a speech and some flies were annoying him. He turned around and asked the jurists: لمَ خلق الله الذباب ؟!! 'Why did God create flies?!' A jurist responded: ليذل به الجبابرة !...

‘What is the closest thing to your heart?’ - he asked. ‎[ما هو أقرب شيء لقلبك] ‘My lungs...’ - she replied…. 🙄 ‎[الرئتين]....

The Imam said in Dua after Taraweh: ‘O Allah, and do not leave a single person unmarried!’ And the entire masjid started shaking with: ‘AmeeeeeeeEEEEEeeeeeennnNNNnnn!’ ‎الشيخ ف التراويح كان يدعي ‎ولا عـازبـاً إلا زوَّجتة ‎آميييين .. زلزلت المسجد .....

Imam Ibn Hajar narrates: ‎ويقال إن المأمون سأل حاجبه من بالباب فقال أبو الهذيل وهشام بن الحكم وعبد الله بن أباض فقال: ما بقي من أعلام جهنم أحد إلا حضر Caliph Mamoon asked a guard: ‘who is at the door?’ The guard replied:...

A bald man had an argument with his wife. His wife said to him: تخاصمت امرأة مع زوجها، وكان أصلع، فقالت له: «لستُ أحسد شيئاً في هذه الحياة إلا شعر رأسك حيث فارقك واستراح منك 'I don't envy anything in this life, except your hair, which mana...