Category: Knowledge & Ignorance

Imam Ibn Sirin said: ذهب العلم فلم يبق إلا غبرات في أوعية سوء "The essence of knowledge is lost, all that remains is its dust, in some bad vessels..." ["Jami Bayan al-'Ilm", 1/595]....

Ibn al-Jawzi said: اعلم أن أول تلبيس إبليس على الناس صدُّهم عن العلم، لأن العلم نور، فإذا أطفأ مصابيحهم خبّطهم في الظلام كيف شاء "The first deception of Satan upon the people was to restrain and prevent them from knowledge, because knowledg...

Books: The Building Blocks of Civilisations...

It is narrated: قيل للخليل بن أحمد: أيهما أفضل: العلم أو المال؟قال العلم. قيل له: فما بال العلماء يزدحمون على أبواب الملوك و الملوك لا يزدحمون على أبواب العلماء؟ قال: ذلك لمعرفة العلماء بحقّ الملوك و جهل الملوك بحق العلماء. Al-Khalil ibn Ah...

The scholars of the Salaf used to say: إن أثر الحبر في ثوب صاحب الحديث أحسن من الخلوق في ثوب العروس “The traces of ink on the clothes of a scholar of Hadith are better than the perfume on the clothes of brides....”...

The importance of education: * The first thing God created: PEN (الْقَلَمَ) * The first revelation to our Prophet: READ (اقْرَأْ) * There is an entire Chapter in the Qur'an, called: CHAPTER OF THE PEN (سورة القلم) * God swears in the Qur’an [68:1] b...

A man was asked if there is anything worse than ignorance. He replied: نعم الجهل بالجهل "Yes, people being ignorant (unaware) of their ignorance."...

The famous poet Abu Qasim al-Aamidi said: جَهِلْتَ ولم تعلـمُ بأنـكَ جاهلٌ فمَن لي بأنْ تدري بأنكَ لا تدري ومن أعجب الأشياءِ أنكَ لا تدري وأنـكَ لا تـدري بأنكَ لا تدري TRANSLATION: 'You are ignorant and you don't KNOW that you are ignorant; so how...

It is said: "العلم بحر لا ساحل له - Knowledge is an Ocean that has no Coast." The Tree of Knowledge has 100’s of branches, like: 'Tafsir', 'Hadith', 'Fiqh', 'Qira'aat', 'Lugha', ‘Aqidah’, ‘Sirah’, ‘Finance’, etc. Some people think: a scholar knows ...

Did you know that even Books have Walimah Feasts ولائم الكتب ??? I'm sorry to break it to you, if you're single ... but, yes ... even books have made it, and you haven't ... ... you are officially less desirable than a book!! (joke!!) 😂😂 Books like...