Category: Poets & Poetry

A disappointed, but truthful poet once said: إذَا نَشر الفَتى شِعرًا جميلًا فإنّ المُعجبينَ بهِ قَليلُ وَإن نشَرت الفتَاة أي شيءٍ فإعجابٌ وتَعليقٌ طَوِيلُ “When a boy shares a beautiful poem, its admirers will be few [qalee...

‘Oh gardens of Andalusia….. do you remember those days, ‎‏when our nest was on your branches?’ ‎اے گلِستانِ اندلس! وہ دن ہیں یاد تجھ کو ‎‏تھا تیری ڈالیوں پر جب آشیاں ہمارا ‎‏— Allama Iqbal...

“I’m the one whose art is seen by the blind, and whose words are heard by the deaf.” أنَا الذي نَظَرَ الأعْمَى إلى أدَبي وَأسْمَعَتْ كَلِماتي مَنْ بهِ صَمَمُ - Al-Mutanabi...

Abu Nuwas ‘أﺑﻮ ﻧﻮﺍﺱ‘ was a classical Arab poet, who lived in Baghdad during the Abbasid reign. He was an alcoholic. Drinking intoxicants is a major sin in the sight of God, but he repented towards the end of his life, may his repentance be accepted....

O candle, burn slowly because the night is long. O tears, drop slowly because grief is in abundance. ای شمع آهسته بسوز که شب دراز است ای اشک آهسته بریز که غم زیاد است...

A poem attributed to Imam Shafi’ii: وَعَينُ الرِضا عَن كُلِّ عَيبٍ كَليلَةٌ وَلَكِنَّ عَينَ السُخطِ تُبدي المَساوِيا An admirer will always overlook your mistakes While a hater is busy looking to expose them وَلَستُ بِهَيّابٍ لِمَن لا يَهابُني وَلَ...

In praise of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him: محمد بشر لا كالبشر بل هو ياقوت بين الحجر “Muhammad is Human, but stands ALONE He's like a Diamond, mankind a STONE.” A diamond...

Poem: ‎الخيلُ والّليلُ والبيداءُ تعرفُني والسّيفُ والرّمحُ والقرطاسُ والقلمُ “The horses, the night and the desert know me… the sword, the spear, the paper and the pen know me too.”...

Abu Tamam was asked: "Why don't you say something we understand?" He replied: "Why don't YOU understand what I say?" قيل يوماً لأبي تمام: لماذا تقول ما لا يُفهم فقال لماذا لا تفهمون ما يُقال...

Ya Abidal Haramain ... by Abdullah Ibn Mubarak ‎رِيْحُ العَبِيْرِ لكمْ ونحنُ عبيرُنا ‎رَهْجُ السَّنابكِ والغبارُ الأطْيبُ “The smell of nice perfume is for you, And our perfume is better: dust and dirt...”...