Category: Fiqh

Is it OK to wash each body part only ONCE during Wudhu - الوضوء? Yes. 1- Ibn `Abbas said: تَوَضَّأَ النَّبِيُّ صلى الله عليه وسلم مَرَّةً مَرَّةً‏ 'The Prophet (ﷺ) performed ablution by washing the body parts only once.' [Sahih Bukhari, 157]. 2- I...

Is cleaning yourself with stones or toilet paper (الاستجمار) enough for Wudhu? Yes - but don't tell your parents! They might kick you out of the house and call you a "Wahabi" 😂 Scholarly views: 1- Al-Baji Maliki says in 'Al-Muntaqa', (1/46): أنه ك...

Do we stick to: The LETTER of the text (حرفية النص), Or the SPIRIT of the text (روح النص)? Well ...both methodologies are valid - but sticking to the spirit (intended meanings/objectives) of the text seems to be the correct methodology, inshaAllah....

Is it compulsory that the ankles touch each other in Congregational Prayers? No. The narrations mention: "Shoulder to Shoulder" - يَلْزَقُ مَنْكِبَهُ بِمَنْكِبِ صَاحِبِهِ (Sahih - Abu Dawud, 662). "Ankle to Ankle" - وَكَعْب...

So ... what is the ruling on Isbaal? (extending garments below the ankle) In short: According to the majority of scholars, it is not Haram to extend your garment below your ankles (إسبال) - unless its done out of arrogance/pride/vanity (تكبر - خيلا...

Some people assume, that when the Qur'an and Sunnah say: "do this 'افعل'" or "don't do this 'لا تفعل'" - that it automatically becomes either: obligatory (واجب) or prohibited (حرام)... If that was the case, we would have had 1000's of obligations an...