Category: Self-Purification

A story about true friends - طرائف الحكماء A man prepared a big meal and told his brother to invite all friends and relatives. His brother went outside and called out: “O people, help, my brother’s house is on fire!!!” Many people ignored him, some ...

It is said: النار تنیر لنا من بعد ولكنھا تحرقنا عن قرب "The fire which lights us at a distance, will burn us when near." If you get too close to certain people, you may get hurt... sometimes it’s best to keep your ...

About fake friends… ‎مرد دوستی نیستی دشمن مردانه باش ‎این دو رنگی تا به کی ‎یا دوست یا بیگانه باش “If you cannot be a genuine friend - at least be a genuine enemy! This multi-faced behaviour - until when?...

The poet says: ألَمْ تَرَ أنَّ السَّيْفَ يَنقصُ قدْرُهُ إذا قيل إنَّ السيفَ أمضى من العصا "Do you not see that it is degrading for the sword, when you say: “the sword is sharper than a stick?" This poem is usually ...

There is this proverb in the Middle East: ضرب الحبيب مثل أكل الزبيب "Getting a beating from a HABEEB (loved-one), is like eating ZABEEB (sweet raisins)."...

A poet was once insulted and he could have retaliated, but he didn’t. Instead, he compiled this poem: لمن مي ډکه ده له کاڼو خو څوک نه پری ولم په عادتونو کي دا یو عادت د غر لرمه “I have plenty of rocks at my disposal, but I ...

Externals enemies cannot hurt you, if you don't have internal enemies... شمع به کبریت گفت: ازتو میترسم تو قاتل من هستی ! کبریت گفت: از من نترس از ریسمانی بترس که در دل خود جای دادی ! The candle said to the matchstick: "I fear that you will ...

Sometimes, keeping your distance from people and reducing your presence increases your worth in their eyes. لربما القمر ليس جميلا إلا لأنه بعيد.. "Maybe the moon is only beautiful because it is far away ..." What makes people attra...

The wound of prostration on the forehead ... أثر السجود Al-Khatib al-Shirbini, ash-Shafi'ii quotes some scholars of the past as saying: كنا نصلي فلا يرى بين أعيننا شيء ونرى أحدنا الآن يصلي فيرى بين عينيه ركبة البعير فلا ندري أثقلت الرؤوس أم خشنت الأ...

Dostoevsky once said: ‎لايمكنك أن تُشفى فى نفس البيئة التى جعلتك مريضًا “You cannot heal in the same environment that made you sick.” If you find yourself in a toxic environment - get out....