Category: Wisdom

A king saw a dream: One of his dream-interpreters, explained it as follows: سيموت كل أقاربك أمام عينيك "All your relatives will die in front of your eyes!" The king became angry and put him in prison!! The second interpreter said the same thing. H...

It is said in our country: ‎ونه دمېوې اوســيورې په وخت کې ډيردوستان لري ‎خو دطوفانونو او سيلابونو په وخت کې ورسره يوازې خپلې ريښې مرسته کوي “Trees are surrounded by a lot of people when they provide fruit and shade. But when floods and stor...

A wise man once said: الحديد بالطن ، والذهب بالجرام ، والألماس بالقيراط ، والفاكهة بالكيلو ، أمّا أعمال الآخرة فهي .. بالذرّة "IRON is measured per TON; GOLD per GRAM; DIAMONDS per CARAT; F...

Always treat the source of the problem ...الطبيب والكحل A man came to a doctor and complained about stomach ache. The doctor asked: "What did you eat?" He said: "Burnt bread." The doctor sta...

Take wisdom, wherever it may come from ... خذ الحكمة ولا يهمك من اي وعاء خرجت A Bedouin had a container of water hanging on one side of his camel. To balance out the weight, had had added sand in the other empty container, h...

A thief stole something from a man and ran away. The man told his servant to catch him. The servant ran after him, but the thief escaped. The man asked : "Why couldn't you catch him?!" The servant replied [this is in Farsi]: آن برای خودش می‌...

إذا عظم الرب في القلب صغر الخلق في العين "When the CREATOR is Magnified in the Heart; The CREATION becomes Minimised in the Eyes."...

Chinese Wisdom | The Cracked Pot [Imperfections] Once there lived a woman in a village. She had two large pots to carry water to her house every day. One of the two pots had a crack in it, so it only delivered half pot of water. The perfect pot was ...

A wise man once said: اذا أردت أن تشتعل مثل الشمس فاحترق مثلها "If you want to shine like the sun, you have to first burn like the sun." There are no shortcuts to success, it's a difficult walk uph...