Day: May 25, 2020

Arrogance (التكبر) is generally hated by God and the people, but there are times when it is ALLOWED. The scholars say: التكبر على المتكبر عبادة "Showing arrogance to an arrogant person is an act of worship [of God]." This statement is attributed t...

18 classical scholars on when Self-praise is allowed - حكم مدح النفس Self-praise is generally disliked, because it involves arrogance (تكبر) and looking down on others. However, there are exceptions to this general rule: It will be permissible if it...

Language & Grammar is Important (النحو) Khateeb al-Baghdadi narrates that some scholars said: وعن الرحبي قال: سمعتُ بعض أصحابنا يقول: إذا كتبَ لَحَّان، فكتب عن اللَّحان لَحَّانٌ آخر، فكتب عن اللحان لحان آخر، صار الحديث بالفارسيَّة! [الجامع للخط...