Month: March 2021

Imam Al-Qurtubi mentions in his Tafsir (1/443): وقيل : إن إبليس عبد الله تعالى ثمانين ألف سنة "And it was said: Satan worshipped God for 80,000 years." He went from hero to zero ... So don't become arrogant with y...

The Poet says: جَزَى اللهُ الشَّدَائِدَ كُلَّ خَيْرٍ وَإنْ كانت تُغصّصُنِي بِرِيقِي وَمَا شُكْرِي لهَا حمْداً وَلَكِن عرفتُ بها عدوّي من صديقي “May God reward hardships with...

If you don't find me in Paradise ... إن لم تجدوني في الجنة The pious people of the past used to say to their friends: إن لم تجدوني في الجنة بينكم فاسألوا عني فقولوا : " يا ربنا عبدك فلان كان يذكرنا بك "If you don't see me a...

Al-Qur'an: وَمَا كَانَ اللَّهُ مُعَذِّبَهُمْ وَهُمْ يَسْتَغْفِرُون "And God will not punish them while they seek forgiveness." [8:33]....

Abu Nuwaas - أبو نواس - was an eloquent Abbasid poet, who lived 1200 years ago, at the time of Imam Shafi'ii. Imam Dhahabi described him as the: رئيس الشعراء leader of poets. Unfortunately, he was a drunkard and used to praise drinking wine in his ...

Al-Qur'an: مَّا يَفْعَلُ اللَّهُ بِعَذَابِكُمْ إِن شَكَرْتُمْ وَآمَنتُمْ "What does God gain, from punishing you, if you are grateful and believe?" [4:147]....

20 Quotes: Islamic Perspective on Disabilities & Illnesses - حكمة الباري It is absolutely heart-breaking for people to see their children or relatives with mental or physical disabilities/illnesses. Share this post - so it may solace people who...

A common mistake when JUDGING OTHERS - أدب الاختلاف Some people judge their opponents with the Fiqhi opinion that they themselves hold. This is a huge mistake ... For example, a guy believes that keeping trousers below ankles (الإسبال) is a sin ev...

Can we call "Allah - الله " "God" or "Khoda" - in other languages? Yes - there is no problem with this. 1- Ibn al-Humaam al-Hanafi said 500 years ago: ولو قال بالفارسية سوكند ميخورم بخداي يكون يمينا "If he says in Persian: “I swear by KHODA (GOD)”,...

A Bedouin was freezing one night, so he lit a fire. The fire warmed him up, so he said: اللهم لا تحرمنيها لا في الدنيا ولا في الآخرة "May God not deprive us of fire in this world, nor in the next.”...