Day: March 17, 2021

When you borrow a book, return it as it was given to you: A man borrowed a book from Imam Al-Isfarayini. He returned the book, with leftovers of fruit inside it. Later on, the man wanted to borrow another bo...

Life Lesson: لا تكن حلوا فتؤكل .. ولا تكن مرا فتلفظ "Don't be too sweet, or people will swallow you; Don't be too bitter, or people will spit you out." ----------------- If you are always Mr. Nice ...

Did you know that PLANTS & TREES also have a genetic code? 🧬 🧬 🧬 Human DNA: could fill 100 Encyclopaedia Books. This is highly sophisticated intelligent data, containing the blue-print and building-blocks of life. A single mistaken letter, can...