Day: April 17, 2021

In Arabic language, the way a person says: "our father", changes depending on the sentence. A man sought judgement from Imam al-Sha’bi - الشعبي - because he lost a part of his inheritance share in a dispute with his brothers...

Ibn Batuta, the famous Moroccan explorer from 700 years ago, writes in his 'Rihla' (p.424), that he fainted on seeing the unbelievable sight of 'Sati' (bride burning) in India. He described how a widow smiled and willingly jumped into the flames of ...

Al-Jahiz - الجاحظ - said: I have never been humiliated, except by two women: I once sat somewhere and I was eating. A very tall woman walked past. I tried to make fun of her height, so I said: "Why don't you COME DOWN and eat with us?" She replied:...

Take wisdom, wherever it may come from ... خذ الحكمة ولا يهمك من اي وعاء خرجت A Bedouin had a container of water hanging on one side of his camel. To balance out the weight, had had added sand in the other empty container, h...