Day: May 3, 2021

A story about government spin-doctors - لعن الله الباذنجان A king once said to his servant: "I crave to eat aubergines." The servant said: "May God bless aubergines!" and started endlessly praising aubergines. ...

A poet says: إذا خطب الغني بنات قومي رقصن من المسرة والبشارة وإن جاء الفقير ولو تقيا ذهبن إلى صلاة الإستخارة "If a rich man asks the hand of girl, they happily dance because of the good news (Bishaarah); ...

It is permissible to beat the Daff - الدُّف musical instrument (Tambourine) during certain happy occasions, by agreement of all scholars. It is an Ijmaa (consensus): 1- Badrudeen 'Ayni Hanafi wrote: اتّفق الْعلمَاء على جَوَاز اللَّهْو فِي وَلِيمَة ...