Day: November 18, 2021

The Prophet said: الْجَنَّةُ أَقْرَبُ إِلَى أَحَدِكُمْ مِنْ شِرَاكِ نَعْلِهِ، وَالنَّارُ مِثْلُ ذَلِكَ "Paradise is nearer to you than the strap of your shoe, and so is the Hell Fire." ["Sahih Bukhari", 6488].

‘On every grain is written the name of who will eat it.' ما كان مقدرًا لك سيأتيك ولو كان بين جبلين What is destined for you, will reach you, even if it is between two mountains. و ما لم يكن مقدرًا لك لن يأتيك ولو ك...

It was said: قَلْبٌ نَقِيٌّ فِي ثِيَابٍ دَنِسَةٍ، خَيْرٌ مِنْ قَلْبٍ دَنِسٍ فِي ثِيَابٍ نَقِيَّةٍ. "A clean heart within dirty clothes is better, then a dirty heart within clean clothes."...