Month: January 2022

About fake friends… ‎مرد دوستی نیستی دشمن مردانه باش ‎این دو رنگی تا به کی ‎یا دوست یا بیگانه باش “If you cannot be a genuine friend - at least be a genuine enemy! This multi-faced behaviour - until when?...

Do we need this many books to understand the Qur'an? Imam al-Subki, ash-Shafi'ii said 700 years ago: الشريعة كالبحر كل وقت يعطي جواهر "The Shariah is like an ocean which continuously produces pearls." ["Fatawa al-Subki", 5/51]. The hundreds ...

When you say: “good [men]/[women] don’t exist anymore!” Maybe it is because YOU are searching for Diamonds in a pile of garbage? You may be looking in the wrong places… ‎للذي يقولُ :لا يوجدُ امرأةٌ صَالحةٌ في وقتنا هذا ، ‏اُخرُجْ من المستنقعِ الذي...

A Pashtun poet, Abdul-Rahman-Baba, says in a poem: څوک له خاورو ايرو پاڅوي تخت ورکړي څوک له تخته د ایرو په ډيران ولي "God rises some people from dust and ashes, ascend them on thrones. Others He drops from t...

Bashar bin Burd [بشار بن بُرد], was a classical poet - who lived 1300 years ago in Iraq. He was blind from birth. He heard the voice of a girl and fell in love with her - without even seeing her of course. That's when he compiled a poem, in which he...

Al-Qur'an: وَاللَّهُ يَدْعُو إِلَىٰ دَارِ السَّلَامِ "God invites to the Abode of Peace." [10:25]....

Antarah bin Shaddad, the Jahili poet, says in a poem: ‎لا تَسقِني ماءَ الحَياةِ بِذِلَّةٍ ‎‏ بَل فَاِسقِني بِالعِزِّ كَأسَ الحَنظَلِ “Don’t offer me the water of life, if it lacks dignity. Pour me a cup of b...

One of the weirdest opinions ‘ غريب اجتهادات ‘, ever held by a scholar, is Imam Suyuti’s view that: Only men will see God in the hereafter, and not women!! 🤣🤦🏻‍♂️………… It’s an ABSURD opinion of course and he himself also later realised and retracte...

Al-Qur’an: الرِّجَالُ قَوَّامُونَ عَلَى النِّسَاءِ “Men are the caretakers of women.” [4:34]....

Back in the days, even thieves had a “code-of-honour” and some “self-respect” ... Dahm bin 'Asqalah - دهم بن عسقلة - was the chief thief, in the Abbasid era. Before he died, he left the following will to his fellow-thieves: "Do not steal fr...