Category: Adult

A father had a son and he had big hopes for him... His son was in Year-4, but he was messing around. He failed his stu...

It is said: 'كل ممنوع مرغوب' meaning: 'every forbidden thing is desired.'.. Abu al-Faraj al-Isfahani narrates an ancient story: ...

The Qur'an states: نِسَاؤُكُمْ حَرْثٌ لَكُمْ "Your wives are like farmland to you." [2:223]. Imam al-Qurtubi explained in his Tafsir: ففرج المرأة كالأرض ، والنطفة كالبذر ، والولد كالنبات ، "The private part of females is lik...

A good looking Atheist girl invited a Muslim poet to atheism, so he responded with a poem: ‏ومَليحَةٍ تَرْمِي السهَامَ سَديدةً ‏بالحُسْن، أمّا الفكرُ غيرُ سَديدِ‏ تُدْعُو إلى الإلْحَادِ فِي كَلِمَاتِها ‏وجَمَالُها يَدْعُو إلى التَّوْحِيدِ ‘H...

A man saw a delegation of European women visit the Middle East on a tour and he said: لماذا لا تنمو هذه النباتات في بلادنا! “Why don’t these type of plants grow in our lands??”...

According to the Qur’an: what the People of Lot (قوم لوط) did was considered a: “فاحِشَةَ” (lewdness) [7:80] and among the: “خَبَائِثَ” (abominations).” [21:74]. In today’s day and age, things like that are “normalised” and taught as part of school ...

There is no authentic evidence for this, but it is narrated that a woman had heard in a lecture that a palace is built in Paradise each time the husband and wife are intimate. She was eager to build many palaces for herself, but she tired her husban...

It it said: إن الثمرة المحرمة هي الأحلى "Forbidden fruit are the sweetest." And: الممنوع مرغوب "Forbidden things are desired." We have 2 enemies: the nafs & the shaytaan: The human soul is inclined to forbidde...

A girl was with a boy. She said: "My love, say something that will make my heart beat faster!" The boy said: "Your dad is standing behind us." بنت ماشية مع حبيبها قالتلو حبيبي قلي كلمة تخلي قلبي يدق...

The jurists discussed: 'الأكل من ثمار البساتين التي على الطريق' The ruling on eating fruit from trees that hang over the wall (ثمار الأشجار المتدلية) or outside the wall perimeters (حائط) of a person's private property or orchard (بستان).... many j...