Category: Refutations

A yahoodi started causing doubts in the minds of the Muslim laymen, saying Islam is illogical, because: تحلّون هذا و تحرّمون هذا .. مع ان هذا من هذا !! "It forbids wine, and permits grapes - even though wine came from grapes...

Sh Muhammad al-Ghazali said: تجديد الإسلام ليس نقل الدين من مكانه إلى حيث يهوى الناس، بل نقل الناس من نطاق أهوائهم إلى حيث يرضى الله "Reforming religion does not mean: taking the religion from its place to where people desire it to be. It m...

It is reported that the Prophet said: لَوْلاَ بَنُو إِسْرَائِيلَ لَمْ يَخْنَزِ اللَّحْمُ "Were it not for Bani Israel, meat would not decay." ["Sahih Bukhari", 3399]. The 'Law of Decay' and meat-spoiling bacterial organisms existed ...

Our paths are different... our destinations are different. A man was riding his camel in the opposite direction of the Ka'bah and he wanted to go Hajj... the poet says: ترسم نرسی به گعبه ای اعرابی این ره که تو میروی به ترکستان است "I fear that you w...

Ibn Hazm said 1000 years ago: السيف مرة لنا ومرة علينا وليس كذلك البرهان بل هو لنا أبدا والحجة الصحيحة لا تغلب أبدا "Victory by means of the sword is sometimes ours and sometimes against us. Contrary to the victory by means...

The Qur'an states: ‏وَمِنَ ٱلنَّاسِ مَن يَعْبُدُ ٱللَّهَ عَلَىٰ حَرْفٍۢ "And some people worship God on the edge." [22:11]. Hearts are like castles ... knowledge are its defence walls: If you don't have much knowledge, your heart'...

It was said to al-Mutanabi: "such and such person is mocking you!" Al-Mutanabi said: "this loser wants me to respond to him, so his name goes down in history!" قيل للمتنبي : فلان يهجوك.. أجا...

Ibn al-Jawzi writes: قال رجل من اليهود لعلي بن أبي طالب ما دفنتم نبيكم حتى قالت الأنصار منا أمير ومنكم أمير فقال له علي عليه السلام أنتم ما جفت أقدامكم من ماء البحر حتى قلتم اجعل لنا إلهاً كما لهم آلهة. A Jewish man said to Imam Ali: "You p...

Not every scholar is a debater ... Ibn Abdul-Barr said : كل مجادل عالم وليس كل عالم مجادلا So every debater can be knowledgeable, but not every knowledgeable person can be a debater. Debating is a skill in itself ... It is possib...

Once upon a time, a murtad was spreading doubts about the Qur'an. He claimed: "The Qur'an contains repetitive verses. There is no benefit in repetition, it is useless excess/wasteful, God is ought to be efficient, so it cannot be from God." Ignoran...