Category: Belief

Imam Ibn Rajab Hanbali said: الإيمان بمثل شجرة لها أصل وفروع وشعب فاسم الشجرة يشمل ذلك كله ,ولو زال شيء من شعبها وفروعها لم يزل عنها اسم الشجرة ,وإنما يقال: هي شجرة ناقصة أ...

The Atheist Barber .... A barber was once cutting a man's hair and the barber said: 'I don't believe in the existence of God' [أنا لا اؤمن بوجود الله ]. ...

A single drop of polytheism [شرك] can turn a mountain of good deeds into dust and a drop of monotheism [توحيد] can crush and turn a mountain of sins into dust. Imam Ibn Rajab said: فإن هذا التوحيد هو الإكسير الأعظم ، فلو وضع منه ذرة على جبال الذنوب ...

Letting go of the past …… I’ve noticed that, often when people leave an ideology, they become totally obsessed with it … like a person who cannot move on from their ex-husband or ex-wife. This happens with ex-Sufis, ex-Salafis, ex-Shia, ex-Hanafis ...

Darwin was not an Atheist… He affirmed the existence of a Creator. Later in life, he rejected religions, but he still remained agnostic. He did not reject the existence of a Creator until he died. The type of Creator he seemed to believe in was one...

Kindness does not require you to validate people’s mistakes, false practices and corrupt beliefs. If your child says: “1+1=3”, you don’t say: that’s fine, because I love you! Validating mistakes is not kindness, its cruel… The Persian poet, Sa’di ...

The difference between 'eyesight' & 'insight' - الفرق بين البصر والبصيرة The scholars say: Elders have weak eyesight (البصر), but strong insight (البصيرة). Youth have weak insight (البصيرة), ...

The devil makes kufr attractive and Islam repulsive to some people. Imam al-Ghazali said: هم لا يدركون براهين العقول كما لا تدرك نور الشمس أبصار الخفافيش. فهؤلاء تضر بهم العلوم كما تضر رياح الورد بالجعل "They do not (want to) perceive logical argum...

The Prophet said that God will say: مَنْ كَانَ فِي قَلْبِهِ مِثْقَالُ حَبَّةٍ مِنْ خَرْدَلٍ مِنْ إِيمَانٍ فَأَخْرِجُوهُ‏ "Take out (of Hellfire) everyone that has faith in his heart, even if its equal to the size of a musta...

Ibn al-'Arabi al-Maliki says in his Tafsir: ومن أراد أن يعلم يقينا أن الحول والقوة لله فليركب البحر "Whoever wants to be certain that all POWER and MIGHT belongs to God - he should sail the ocean." ["Ahkam al-Qur'...