Category: Religion

دومره چی موږ د خیرات ثواب ته اړتیا لرو، دومره غریب خیرات ته اړتیا نه لرې! "We need the reward of charity more than the poor man needs the charity"...

Do we stick to: The LETTER of the text (حرفية النص), Or the SPIRIT of the text (روح النص)? Well ...both methodologies are valid - but sticking to the spirit (intended meanings/objectives) of the text seems to be the correct methodology, inshaAllah....

Is it compulsory that the ankles touch each other in Congregational Prayers? No. The narrations mention: "Shoulder to Shoulder" - يَلْزَقُ مَنْكِبَهُ بِمَنْكِبِ صَاحِبِهِ (Sahih - Abu Dawud, 662). "Ankle to Ankle" - وَكَعْب...

They asked Imam al-Shawkani: "Why don't you write a commentary on Sahih Bukhari - like others have done?" He replied: 'Laa Hijrah ba'd al-Fath!' - لا هجرة بعد الفتح (there is no Hijrah (no need to go anywhere else) after 'Fath al-Bari' was written ...

If someone doesn’t pray or doesn’t wear Hijab - is there any point in fasting? Yes ... it may be that God guides that person to Pray and wear Hijab - because of their intention to fast. Imam Ibn Qudamah wrote 800 years ago: كنت في قافلة بالشام فخرج...

So ... what is the ruling on Isbaal? (extending garments below the ankle) In short: According to the majority of scholars, it is not Haram to extend your garment below your ankles (إسبال) - unless its done out of arrogance/pride/vanity (تكبر - خيلا...

Some people assume, that when the Qur'an and Sunnah say: "do this 'افعل'" or "don't do this 'لا تفعل'" - that it automatically becomes either: obligatory (واجب) or prohibited (حرام)... If that was the case, we would have had 1000's of obligations an...

The simple, yet unshakeable faith of the elderly - إيمان العجائز It is said that Imam Raazi once visited the city of Nisabur, and many people gathered around him. An old woman was told: "This is a scholar who has found 1,000 evidences for the exist...