Category: Friends & Enemies

Externals enemies cannot hurt you, if you don't have internal enemies... شمع به کبریت گفت: ازتو میترسم تو قاتل من هستی ! کبریت گفت: از من نترس از ریسمانی بترس که در دل خود جای دادی ! The candle said to the matchstick: "I fear that you will ...

Sometimes, keeping your distance from people and reducing your presence increases your worth in their eyes. لربما القمر ليس جميلا إلا لأنه بعيد.. "Maybe the moon is only beautiful because it is far away ..." What makes people attra...

Dostoevsky once said: ‎لايمكنك أن تُشفى فى نفس البيئة التى جعلتك مريضًا “You cannot heal in the same environment that made you sick.” If you find yourself in a toxic environment - get out....

Good companionship - صحبة الأخيار The people around you have a strong influence on you. 1- The Qur'an states: وَكُونُواْ مَعَ ٱلصَّٰدِقِينَ "And be WITH the truthful." [9:119]. [This verse does NOT say: 'BE TRUTHFUL', it says: 'Be WITH the Truthful...

Don't elevate stupid people: A man bought a new donkey and took it to the roof of his house, so that the donkey could enjoy the view of the neighbourhood. After a while, the donkey didn't want to come down! The man tried to pull down the donkey, but...

It is said: وليسَ كثيراً ألفُ خِلٍّ وصاحبٍ وإن عدوًا واحداً لكثيرُ "Thousand friends are too few, and a single enemy is too many."...

The poet says: أُعَلِّمُه الرمايَة كُلَّ يَومٍ فَلَمّا اشتدَّ ساعِدهُ رَماني وَكَم علمتُـه نظـمَ القوافِـي فَلمـا قـالَ قافيـةً هجـانـي "I taught him the art of archery, when he mastered it, he pointed his arrow at me!...

A wolf was dying because a bone was stuck in its throat. A bird came to its rescue and pulled out the bone from its mouth. The bird said to the wolf: "I helped you. How will you return the favour?" The wolf replied: "Consider the fact that I let y...

Arabs say: الأقارب عقارب 'al-Aqarib 'Aqarib' Meaning: "Relatives are Scorpions"..........

The Prophet said: تَجِدُ مِنْ شَرِّ النَّاسِ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ ذَا الْوَجْهَيْنِ، الَّذِي يَأْتِي هَؤُلاَءِ بِوَجْهٍ وَهَؤُلاَءِ بِوَجْهٍ "The worst people in the Sight of Allah on the Day of Resurrection will be the double f...