Category: Friends & Enemies

Associate with intelligent people. Ignorant people will harm you more than they will benefit you, even if they're your friends. Omar Khayyam says in a poem: اشرب نقيع السم من عاقل واسكب على الأرض دواء الجهول "Drink the Infusion of a Sane p...

A wise man said: بعض البشر في وجهك مساكين وفي ظهرك سكاكين "Some people present themselves to you as innocent (Masakeen), but behind your back they stab you like knives (Sakakeen).!"...

It has been narrated: أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم نهى عن الوحدة، أن يبيت الرجل وحده أو يسافر وحده "The Prophet disapproved of isolation, and that a person spends the night alone, or travels alone." ...

The wise people say: الاختِلاط بالصّالحين يُصلِحك "Mixing with the pious, reforms you."...

A Bedouin was crossing the desert with his friend. He asked for the water bottle, but it was empty. The Bedouin asked: "where is the water gone?!" His friend replied: "I saw a dry plant in the desert, so I watered it." The Bedouin slapped him and sai...

It is said: الرجال صناديق مغلقة مفاتيحها الكلام "People are like closed boxes, the key to what is inside them is speech."...

“Don’t take revenge, the rotten fruits will fall by themselves.” انتقام مه اخلئ … ګنده میوې پخپله ښکته غورځیږي!...

The poet says: كبوتر با كبوتر، باز با باز *** كند هم جنس با هم جنس پرواز “Birds of the same feathers flock together, Pigeons with Pigeons, Eagles with Eagles.”...

Imaam Shafi'ii said in a poem: قل بما شئت في مسبة عرضي *** فسكوتي عن اللئيم جواب ما أنا عادم الجواب ولكن *** ما من الأسد أن تجيب الكلاب "Say what you wish in abuse of me, For my silence towards the fool is indeed an answer....

Once, a Lion had captured prey ... As it was eating it, the hyenas gathered all around him, making threatening noises. The Lion didn't pay any attention to them and calmly finished his meal. ...