Category: Truth & Lies

The Persians say: یک قطره دروغ , اقیانوسی از اعتماد را خراب میکند ... "One drop of lies, ruins an ocean of trust ..." Always work with honesty & integrity. Trust is very important, whether its: your family, yo...

Ibn Kathir narrates: وقد قيل لابن عمر: إن المختار يزعم أن الوحي يأتيه. فقال: صدق، قال تعالى: { وَإِنَّ الشَّيَاطِينَ لَيُوحُونَ إِلَى أَوْلِيَائِهِمْ } [الأنعام: 121] . It was said to Ibn Omar: "Mukhtar al-Thaqafi claims that revelation ('w...

Imagine a dude who looks like this ... saying: أَنَا رَبُّكُمُ الْأَعْلَى “I am your Lord, the most high!” [Qur'an 79:24]. 😑...

Don't be fooled by people's words ... لا تنخدع بأقوالهم فرعون طول حياته وهو يقول أنا ربكم الأعلى وفي الأخر أتضح أنه لا يجيد السباحة... The Pharaoh spent his entire life, claiming: "I am your Lord, the Most High!" [Qur'an 79:24]. I...

A fake-saint was selling Paradise land. He was charging people 100 Dinar, for a plot of land in Paradise. Ignorant people believed in him, thinking he is a saint, so it must be some kind of miracle. So one scholar went to him and said: "I want to buy...

Permissible Lies - حكم الكذب وما يباح منه Lying is a bad trait but it is not forbidden in itself, it is forbidden if it has no benefit and/or causes harm. The jurists spoke about beneficial lies and even obligatory lies! Speaking the truth can som...