Category: Richness & Poverty

An arrogant rich man tried to belittle a poor man saying: "The amount of money I make in one hour is more than what you make in your whole life." The poor man said: "But I have something that you don't have....'القناعة'.........contentment." NOTE: ...

The wise elders said: زينة المرأة وجهها زينة الرجل جيبه "The beauty of a woman is in her face, the beauty of a man is in his pocket." Take heed, يا lazy brothers! Get a job....

It is narrated: قيل للخليل بن أحمد: أيهما أفضل: العلم أو المال؟قال العلم. قيل له: فما بال العلماء يزدحمون على أبواب الملوك و الملوك لا يزدحمون على أبواب العلماء؟ قال: ذلك لمعرفة العلماء بحقّ الملوك و جهل الملوك بحق العلماء. Al-Khalil ibn Ah...

Imbalance of Wealth: فقیری به ثروتمندی گفت: کجا تشریف می‌برید؟ ثروتمند گفت: قدم میزنم تا اشتها پیدا کنم! تو کجا میروی؟ فقیر گفت: من اشتها دارم، اما قدم میزنم تا غذا پیدا کنم!!! A poor man asked a rich man: "Where are you going?" ...

Always have high ambitions - علو الهمة Don't aim to become a scavenger - eating what is left-over by others - instead, aim to get the lions share! Don't aim to fly first-class, aim to OWN the plane! Study hard, work hard and play hard... It is no...

A story about human greed ... There is a story about a Chinese emperor, who once rewarded a man with a favour. The emperor told the man: "Whatever land you can cover by foot, I will gift all of that land to you." The man kept walking and walking ......

A pious government official once walked among his people. A poor man grabbed him, saying: “please strike my neck with your sword!” The official asked: “why?” The poor man said: “I can’t endure this poverty!” The official ordered his guards to give hi...

It is recommended for scholars and students to earn money and be financially independent from people. Almost 1200 years ago, Ibn Abi Dunya wrote a book on 'wealth', titled: إصلاح المال Link:

Link between Poverty & Kufr - it has been said: إذا ذهب الفقر إلى بلد قال له الكفر خذني معك "When POVERTY intends to travel to a country, DISBELIEF says: take me with you...” Poverty is a big Fitnah Poverty ca...

The Prophet said to Abu Dharr: قال لي رسولُ اللهِ صلَّى اللهُ عليه وسلَّم يا أبا ذرٍّ أترَى كثرةَ المالِ هو الغنَى قلتُ نعم يا رسولَ اللهِ قال أفترَى قِلَّةَ المالِ هو الفقرُ قلت نعم يا رسولَ اللهِ قال إنَّما الغنَى غنَى القلبِ والفقرُ فقرُ القلبِ ...