Day: May 15, 2021

Imam Dhahabi wrote: أن أبا عاصم كان ضخم الأنف فتزوج امرأة فلما خلا بها دنا منها ليقبلها فقالت له نح ركبتك عن وجهي قال ليس ذا ركبة إنما هو أنف "Abu Aasim had a huge nose. He married a girl, he approached her, to kiss her....

Death of a Donkey ... موتٌ خيرٌ مِنْ مَوْتٍ! One of Sibawayh's servants came running to him saying that his donkey is strangling itself with the rope around its neck, but he made a grammatical mistake in this sentence. Sibaw...

We, as Sunnis, need to drop this line: "Everything in Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim is Sahih" The only religious Book that is 100% Sahih is the Qur'an. No other book is infallible. Ibn Taymiyah said 700 years ago: ومما قد يُسمّى صحيحاً، ما يصحّحه...