Category: Refutations

Imam Ibn al-Wazir al-Yamaani said: ‎"وقد ذكرت غير مرة أن في كل فرقة طوائف شاذةً تقول بمنكراتٍ من البدع، فمن أضاف بدعهم إلى عموم الفرقة التي شَذُّوا منها فقد أساء، وتَنَزَّل منزلة الذين يحبون أن تشيع الفاحشة في الذين آمنوا "I have mentioned m...

The scholars say: ‎العقل الصحيح ‎لا يخالف النقل الصحيح ‘A correct intellect (‘aql), does not clash with a correct Islamic text (naql).’ When there is a clash, it usually means that...

Ibn Taymiyah said: ليس لأحد أن يحمل كلام أحد من الناس إلا على ما عُرف أنه أراده 'It is inappropriate to interpret the words of a person to mean something other than what that person intended.' ['Majmu al-Fatawa', 7/36]....

The truth about Sufism ... حقيقة التصوف This may come as a shock, but read it until the end: 1- Mohammad Ibn Abdul-Wahab al-Najdi said: اعلم– أرشدك الله– أن الله سبحانه وتعالى بعث محمداً صلى الله عليه وسلم بالهدى الذي هو العلم النافع, ودين الحق هو ...

We acknowledge miracles of saints 'كرامات الأولياء', but not everything is true - a lot of it are fake stories. One of the weirdest nonsense is reported in a book called: 'جامع كرامات الأولياء' - it says that a ‘saint’ used his private part as a whi...

The mob of hyenas, led by Daniel, is now trying to bring down Imam Zaid Shakir , but remember : ‎ليس كل من ينبح عليه الكلب لصاً ‘Not everyone the dog barks at is a thief.’ What the Imam Zaid Shakir said is: acts of...

Was the Prophet's Night Journey on Buraq 'البراق' ? All scholars agree that the Prophet went from Makkah to Bayt al-Maqdis on the Buraq 'البراق' creature, during his night journey. Most scholars believe that from there, his ascension to the heavens ...

An Atheist asked a Muslim scholar: ‎هل يقدر الله على خلق إله مثل نفسه “Can God create another God like Himself?” He replied: ‎المخلوقَ لا يكون إلاَّ مُـحْدَثاً، والـمُحْدَثُ لا يكون مثلَ القديم If God CREATES another God, that new God will obviou...

‘Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones’ ... من كانَ بيتُهُ من زُجاج لا يرمي الناسَ بالحجارة The truth is like like a solid wall, whatever you throw at it, it bounces back at you: 1- Al-Qadhy Abdul-Jabbar, a mu'tazili theologian, who...

There are many public speakers on social media, who will talk sweet to build an audience, and then pass on their poison, as per the saying: ‎يضع السم في العسل “Putting poison in the Honey…” They know that if they g...