Category: Fiqh

Saying: "Ameen" Loudly & Softly - قول آمين في الصلاة Ibn Battal writes in his explanation of Sahih Bukhari: وقال الطبرى: والخبر بالجهر بآمين والمخافتة بها صحيحان، وقد عمل بكل واحد منهما جماعة من علماء الأمة، وذلك يدل أنه مما خيرهم رسول ...

Do we have to follow a Madhab? Al-Mulla Ali Qaari al-Hanafi said: ومن المعلوم ان الله سبحانه ما كلف احدا ان يكون حنفيا او مالكيا او شافعيا او حنبليا بل كلفهم ان يعملوا بالكتاب والسنة ان كانوا علماء وان يقلدوا العلماء اذا كانوا جهلاء "It is ...

Board games with Dice/Backgammon - النرد Short Answer: 1- If these games involve gambling, it is forbidden by agreement of all scholars. 2- If they don't contain gambling, but keep a person away from God's remembrance (prayers etc), it is also for...

A common mistake when JUDGING OTHERS - أدب الاختلاف Some people judge their opponents with the Fiqhi opinion that they themselves hold. This is a huge mistake ... For example, a guy believes that keeping trousers below ankles (الإسبال) is a sin ev...

A big mistake people make when judging others: "He is a SINNER because he does not lift his trousers above his ankles" "He is a SINNER because he eats with his left hand" "He is a SINNER because he listens to musical instruments" "He is a SINNER bec...

Example of a strange view of the Dhahiri Literalists - من عجائب الإمام بن حزم The Prophet said: لاَ تُنْكَحُ الْبِكْرُ حَتَّى تُسْتَأْذَنَ ‏"‏ ‏.‏ قَالُوا يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ كَيْفَ إِذْنُهَا قَالَ ‏"‏ أَنْ تَسْكُتَ "A virgin should not be married ...

10 Classical Scholars: The differences in the branches of religion are a Mercy - اختلافهم رحمة This is not an authentic Hadith, but the meaning is endorsed by the majority of fuqaha. Some people thought that just because that is not a Hadith, the en...

Imam al-Shawkani explained why Ijtihad is easier for the later generations: فإنه لا يخفى على من له أدنى فهم أن الاجتهاد قد يسره الله للمتأخرين تيسيرا لم يكن للسابقين ; لأن التفاسير للكتاب العزيز قد دونت ، وصارت في الكثرة إلى حد لا يمكن حصره ، والسنة...

Ibn Hajar Asqalani was approached by some Hanafis and asked: "How many Companions did Abu Hanifah actually meet?" He replied, "Only Anas Ibn Malik." They said, "But our Scholars say upto 7 or 14 Companions?...

A correct DELEEL, but incorrect ISTIDLAAL: الدَّليلُ صَحِيحٌ وَلَكِنَّ الْاِسْتِدْلَاَل بِهِ غَيْرُ صَحِيحٍ Sometimes, a person's evidence (الدَّليلُ) may be correct (صَحِيحٌ), but how he applies that evidence (الْاِسْتِدْلَاَل), may be incorrect (...