Category: Scholars

The job of a jurist ... العلماء ورثة الأنبياء Some people expect a religious scholar to build SPACE SHUTTLES, find a CURE FOR CANCER, take us to the MOON and build settlements on MARS etc. That's not their job. You wouldn’t expect, a medical docto...

As a Warning to Muftis - Ibn Umar once said: تدري ما يريد هؤلاء؟ يريدون أن يجعلوا ظهورنا جسرًا لهم إلى جهنم "Do you know what these people want? They want to make our backs a bridge to Hell." ["Jam...

Self-Study - Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymin said: يمكن أن يكون الإنسان عالمًا إذا أخذ العلم من الكتب "IT IS POSSIBLE THAT A PERSON BECOMES A SCHOLAR, BY READING BOOKS." Because, as he said in his 'Fatawa (26/197): لأن كتاب العالم هو العالم نفسه، فهو يحدثك م...

How the Salaf used to Debate - الإمام أبي حنفية Imam Abu Hanifah is reported to have said: كنا نناظر وكأن على رؤوسنا الطير ، مخافة أن يزل صاحبنا ، وانتم تناظرون وتريدون زلة صاحبكم "We used to debate in such a calm manner th...

Yahya travelled from Spain to Madinah to study with Imam Malik. As Imam Malik was teaching, somebody announced: "The elephants have arrived!!" All students rushed outside, to see the elephants, except Yahya....

Ayuub al-Sakhtiyani said: إنك لا تعرف خطأ معلمك حتى تجالس غيره "You will not know the mistakes of your teacher, unless you sit with other [scholars]." ["Jaami' Bayan al-'ilm", 1/197 - إسناده صحيح]....

Imam Dhahabi's Golden DHAHABI Advice (النصيحة الذهبية) - to sectarianists who get involved in internal disputes of scholars: ويقول الذهبي في تعليقه على اختلاف الناس في أبي حامد الغزالي بين مادح وذام: "مازال العلماء يختلفون ويتكلم العالم في العالم با...

3 Types of Soil Hadith - Why did Abu Hanifah narrate few Ahaadith? - أبو حنيفة The Prophet compared his TEACHINGS to RAIN-WATER, and he compared people with 3 types of SOIL: ‏ إِنَّ مَثَلَ مَا بَعَثَنِي اللَّهُ بِهِ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ مِنَ الْهُدَى وَال...

Imam Ibn Taymiyah defends Imam Abu Hanifah - دفاع عن الإمام أبي حنيفة Ibn Taymiyah said: - NOBODY doubts Abu Hanifah's: Jurisprudence (فقهه), Understanding (وفهمه) and Knowledge (وعلمه) - If you doubt the intelligence of Abu Hanifah you are either ...

Collapsing Minaret & conflict between Ibn Hajar vs Badrudin Ayni Poetry - العيني وابن حجر Ibn Hajar and Al-'Ayini were related to each other (their wives were sisters), but they had some personal issues … boys will be boys! 😂 So when an opportu...