Category: Scholars

Beware of sell-out scholars: شيوخ الأزهر يعطونك الفتوى التي تريدها مقابل فرخة جمال عبد الناصر "The Scholars of Al-Azhar, (some of them) give you the fatwaa you want in exchange for a chicken." - Gamal Abd Al-Nasser NOTE: There ar...

Rogue Scholars - علماء السوء Islamic Studies are a science, like the worldly sciences we study - for example MEDICINE. If a MEDICAL DOCTOR goes ROGUE, the government will REVOKE his qualifications, SHUT DOWN his pharmacy and put him in PRISON. The...

Respecting your Teachers - ادب العالم والمتعلم Imaam Shafi'iee said about his teacher Imaam Maalik: كنت أصفح الورق بين يدي مالك رحمه الله صفحا رفيقاً، هيبة له لئلا يسمع وقعها “I would turn the pages of my books in front of Imaam Maalik in a very s...

Once a guy belittled and disrespected Imam Abu Hanifah and compared himself to him - saying: أنا رجل وأبو حنيفة رجل "I am a man and Abu Hanifah was a man." Shaykh Abdul Nasir Hadara حفظه الله said: ومن يشكك في رجولتك ولكن أبا حنيفة عالم في الثريا ...

Imam Ibn Hazm - إبن حزم He was a great Persian scholar who lived more than 1,000 years ago in Spain (i.e. in the West), but his excellence was not noticed by many people, so he said in a poem: أنا الشّمس فِي جوّ العلوم منيـرة ...

Imam Abu Hanifah - رحمه الله تعالى - saw a boy playing in the mud. The Imam told him to be careful, so he doesn't slip in the mud. The boy replied: ‏ احذر أنت السقوط، فإن في سقوط العالم سقوط العالم "You should be careful of slipping, because the ...

It is reported that Shaykh Mohammad Amin al-Shanqiti - who was very close to the Najdis and is considered a teacher of major Salafi scholars - once said in a discussion to his opponent: يا مصري! من أخبرك أن الرسول الذي أرسل إليَّ، ووجب عليَّ الإيمان...

Albani's criticism of Muhammad Ibn Abdul-Wahab الألباني: محمد بن عبدالوهاب فيه غلو وشده Albani considered Muhammad Ibn Abdul-Wahab a reformer and praised his Da'wah, but he also criticised them for their excessive Takfir. Albani says about Muhammad...

Imam Shafi'ie - رحمه الله - once narrated a Hadith of the Prophet. Al-Humaydi asked: "Is this also your position?" Imam Shafi'iee said: "Have you seen me come out of a Church? Or do you see a belt around my...

A man said to Imam Ahmad - رحمة الله عليه - [after he gave a ruling based on evidence]: "But Ibn al-Mubarak says such and such!" Imam Ahmad said: "Ibn Mubarak did not descend from the sky!!" وَقَ...