Month: August 2020

Al-Buhturi - البحتري He was a poet who lived more than 1,000 years ago. He wrote an eloquent poem, but some fools didn’t understand it, so they went around making fun of it. So, Al-Buhturi wrote a counter-poem: على نحت القوافي من معادنها...

Reward for Watering Animals - سنن النسائي The Prophet and his Companions were on a journey. It was a hot day. Some of them were fasting and some were not. They found a shade. ...

Depression - a Sign of Weak faith - ضعف الإيمان? Prophet Yusuf went missing, and Allah said about the grief of his father Prophet Ya'qoob: وَقَالَ يَا أَسَفَىٰ عَلَىٰ يُوسُفَ وَابْيَضَّتْ عَيْنَاهُ مِنَ الْحُزْنِ "AND HE SAID: "OH, MY SORROW OVER Y...

Once a guy belittled and disrespected Imam Abu Hanifah and compared himself to him - saying: أنا رجل وأبو حنيفة رجل "I am a man and Abu Hanifah was a man." Shaykh Abdul Nasir Hadara حفظه الله said: ومن يشكك في رجولتك ولكن أبا حنيفة عالم في الثريا ...

Sequence of Ablution - الترتيب في الوضوء Is the SEQUENCE/ORDER of washing each body part during the ablution A MUST? According to the Hanafis and Malikis, it is Sunnah/Recommended, not Compulsory. According to the Shafi'is and the Hanbalis, it is ...

Imam Ibn Hazm - إبن حزم He was a great Persian scholar who lived more than 1,000 years ago in Spain (i.e. in the West), but his excellence was not noticed by many people, so he said in a poem: أنا الشّمس فِي جوّ العلوم منيـرة ...

Befriending some people is like buttoning your shirt ... You only realise your mistake when you reach the last button ... ‎له ځینو خلکو سره ملګرتیا کول د ګریوان د تڼیو غلطو تړلو په څیر دی چی کله اخیری تکمی ته ورسیدی...

A man was giving good quality food to a blind man. Someone suggested that he should be given lower quality food, by saying: هذا الأعمى لا يدري ماذا يأكلُ ! "This blind man doesn't even know what he is eatin...

Destiny - هل الإنسان مسيًّر أم مخيًّر؟ A student asked a wise man if humans have FREE WILL or if things are FORCED upon us? The wise man said: "ارفع قدمك - lift your foot." He did - so the wise man said: "This is free will." The wise man asked hi...

Fatwa Shopping - تتبع الرخص What is meant by 'تتبع الرخص' is that a person seeks the easiest and most lenient verdicts of jurists. This issue is not as black/white as some people want you to believe - it is disputed: 1- The Hanafi giant, Ibn Humam...