Category: Marriage

"By all means marry. If you get a good wife, you'll be happy. If you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher." - Socrates نصيحتي لك هي أن تتزوج فأنت إن وجدت زوجة صالحة ستسعد وإن لم تجد ستصبح فيل...

An old woman got sick, so her son took her to the doctor. The doctor noticed that she had adorned herself with beautiful clothes, so the doctor said: "Her remedy lies in marriage." Her son said: "An old woman doesn't need marriage!" The old woman ...

The poet says: إِنَّ الرِّجَالَ النَّاظِرِينَ إِلَى النِّسَا مِثْلُ الكِلاَبِ تَطُوفُ بِاللَّحْمَانِ إِنْ لَمْ تَصُنْ تِلْكَ اللُّحُومَ أُسُودُهَا أُكِلَتْ بِلاَ عِوَضٍ وَلاَ أَثْمَانِ...

Some people on social media use the term 'dayooth' 'ديوث' (cuckold) very loosely and apply it on brothers who allow their womenfolk to have their picture on social media, even if they wear the Islamic Hijab. Some apply it on men who allow their wome...

A man went to the beach. He noticed a girl was drowning! He said to her: "Give me your hand!" She said: "Ask my father for my hand!" ذهب رجل الى البحر فوجد امرة تغرق فقال لها: اعطين...

Protective jealousy in men ... غيرة الرجل It is said that the bride of a Bedouin in Jahiliyah was brought to him on a horse. He took his bride, but killed the horse! People were confused, so they asked him why? He said: "I did not want any man to si...

The wise men of the past used to say: من كانت له زوجة واحدة لا يصلح للقضاء ‘A man who has only one wife is not suitable to be a judge…’ Meaning: he lacks experience in problem solving & conflict resolution! 😂...

A man was beating his wife with a stick. Another man walked past and said: “A stick is used to beat animals, but women are beaten by other women.” (He meant: marry a second wife) The man didn’t get it, so h...

A woman was reading the Qur'an with her husband. When she reached the verses: "Marry women of your choice, Two or Three or Four..." [4:3]... she lowered her voice. Her husband smiled and said to her: "You are my First, my Second, my Third and my Four...

A man said to his wife: "I want to marry a second wife." He just wanted to see her reaction ... Day 1: he didn't see anything Day 2: he didn't see anything Day 3: he slowly started seeing again with his right eye ... قال رجل لزوجته: أريد أن أتزوج زو...