Category: Humour

Elephant & Cow - الفيل أكبر من البقرة Ibn Al-Jawzi narrates: A Bedouin prayed the morning prayer behind the IMAAM. The IMAAM read the Chapter of the COW [سورة البقرة - LONGEST chapter of the Qur'an]. ...

In defence of music - someone argued: لو كان الغناء حرام لما سمى النبي ابنته أم كلثوم “If singing was Haram, why would the Prophet name his daughter Oum Kalsoum?!” -------------------- Oum Kalsoum was a famous Egyptian singer who died in 1975 - b...

The funny Tabi'i Imam A'mash - الأعمش A'mash had a silly son. He once told his son: “Go and buy us a rope to hang clothes on it." His son asked: "How long?" A'mash said: "10 cubits."...

How Fatwa Changes with Time - تغير الفتوى Ibn Abi Zayd al-Qayrawani al-Maliki's wall collapsed. It was about 1000 years ago and he feared harm from the Shiah Rawafidh of his time. So he tied a guard dog there. Someone said to him: إن مال...

The name of the Wife of Satan - اسم امرأة إبليس We sometimes delve into topics and ask question that have zero impact on our Dunya and Akhirah. A man asked Imam Sha'bi : ما اسم امرأة إبليس ؟ "What is the n...

A man tried to embarrass Al-Mutanabbi - أبو الطيب المتنبي ... The man said to him: "When I saw you from afar, I thought you were a woman!" Al-Mutanabi replied to the man: ...

The Ugly Khariji and his Beautiful Wife - عِمْرَانُ بْنُ حِطَّانَ Imran bin Hittan was a Khaariji [he's a narrator in Sahih Bukhari]. He was very ugly but his wife was very beautiful. One day he kept staring at her beauty,...