Category: Humour

The daughter of A’mash asked him for some money. A’mash said: ‘I don’t have any….’ She went to her mother and said: ‘Did you find nobody else to marry, other than him?!’ ‎‏قال الإمام الأعمش رحمه الله: "طلبت مني ابنتي قطعة نقود." ‎فقلت لها: "ليس معي!...

A Billionaire once challenged some fellow tourists that if any of them swims across this lake full of crocodiles, he will give them $1,000,000. They all hesitated…… Someone pushed one poor guy from behind and when the adrenaline kicked in, he somehow...

A stingy man [بخيل] was asked: ‘What do you do if it gets cold?’ The stingy man: ‘I sit close to the heater.’ The man asked: ‘If that doesn’t help?’ The stingy man said: ‘I get even closer to the heater.’ The man asked: ‘If that also doesn’t help?’ T...

“When a man loves a woman, all the women of the world die in his eyes.” - Musaylamah al-Kadhaab...

Among the stories about cowards: عض ثعلب أعرابيًا فأتى راقيًا، فقال الراقي: ما عضك؟! فقال: كلب، واستحى أن يقول: ثعلب! فلما بدأ الراقي بالرقية، قال له الأعرابي: اخلط بها شيئًا من رقية الثعالب! A coward was bitten by a fox. He went to the doctor and t...

It is important to appear presentable at all times... It is reported: ونظر أشعب إلى شيخ قبيح الوجه، فقال: ألم ينهكم سليمان بن داود عن أن تخرجوا بالنهار! Ash'ab saw a scary looking person and said to him: 'Did Prophet Sulaiman not forbid [Jinns] like...

Everyone loves food, but it is said: على المرء أن يأكل ليحيا، لا أن يحيا ليأكل 'One should eat to live, and not live to eat.' It is reported : وقيل لشريح القاضي أيهما أطيب اللوز ينق أم الجوز ينق؟! فقال: لا أحكم على غائب!!. The judge Shuraih Al-Qadhi...

Caliph Mamoon recited one of his poems in the presence of the poet Abu Nuwas. The Caliph asked him to judge the quality of his poem… Abu Nuwas replied: ‘This poem contains not even a trace of eloquence.’ He was locked up in the stable with the donkey...

A fly sat on the horn of a bull which was ploughing the fields. When the fly went home, it was asked by other flies: ‘where have you been?’ The fly replied: ‘WE have been ploughing the fields…...’ People who take credit for other people’s hard work ...

Ibn Manzur had a habit that every time he saw a long book, he used to write a shortened [abridged - مختصر] version of it, to make it easily accessible to people. Once his son saw a very tall man on the street, and he said: 'If my dad sees you, he wi...